The Long Song



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ISBN: 9780755359417Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: Godina izdanja: SKU: VBZ-1031704 Kategorije: , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: HeadlineGodina izdanja: 2010

The Long Song



Na zalihi

ISBN: 9780755359417Izdavač: Područje: Uvez: Godina izdanja: SKU: VBZ-1031704 Kategorije: , Jezik: EngleskiBiblioteka: HeadlineGodina izdanja: 2010

Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, The Long Song by multi-million-copy bestselling author Andrea Levy is a hauntingly beautiful, heartbreaking and unputdownable novel, which will resonate with everyone who went to see the Oscar-winning film 12 Years a Slave and fans of Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. ‘A marvel of luminous storytelling’ Financial TimesYou do not know me yet. My son Thomas, who is publishing this book, tells me, it is customary at this place in a novel to give the reader a little taste of the story that is held within these pages. As your storyteller, I am to convey that this tale is set in Jamaica during the last turbulent years of slavery and the early years of freedom that followed.July is a slave girl who lives upon a sugar plantation named Amity and it is her life that is the subject of this tale. She was there when the Baptist War raged in 1831, and she was present when slavery was declared no more. My son says I must convey how the story tells also of July’s mama Kitty, of the negroes that worked the plantation land, of Caroline Mortimer the white woman who owned the plantation and many more persons besides – far too many for me to list here. But what befalls them all is carefully chronicled upon these pages for you to peruse.Perhaps, my son suggests, I might write that it is a thrilling journey through that time in the company of people who lived it. All this he wishes me to pen so the reader can decide if this is a novel they might care to consider. Cha, I tell my son, what fuss-fuss. Come, let them just read it for themselves.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


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Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


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No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


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Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.

Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, The Long Song by multi-million-copy bestselling author Andrea Levy is a hauntingly beautiful, heartbreaking and unputdownable novel, which will resonate with everyone who went to see the Oscar-winning film 12 Years a Slave and fans of Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. ‘A marvel of luminous storytelling’ Financial TimesYou do not know me yet. My son Thomas, who is publishing this book, tells me, it is customary at this place in a novel to give the reader a little taste of the story that is held within these pages. As your storyteller, I am to convey that this tale is set in Jamaica during the last turbulent years of slavery and the early years of freedom that followed.July is a slave girl who lives upon a sugar plantation named Amity and it is her life that is the subject of this tale. She was there when the Baptist War raged in 1831, and she was present when slavery was declared no more. My son says I must convey how the story tells also of July’s mama Kitty, of the negroes that worked the plantation land, of Caroline Mortimer the white woman who owned the plantation and many more persons besides – far too many for me to list here. But what befalls them all is carefully chronicled upon these pages for you to peruse.Perhaps, my son suggests, I might write that it is a thrilling journey through that time in the company of people who lived it. All this he wishes me to pen so the reader can decide if this is a novel they might care to consider. Cha, I tell my son, what fuss-fuss. Come, let them just read it for themselves.

V.B.Z. online ne izvršava uslugu dostave već za nas uslugu pružaju vanjski suradnici. Usluge dostave ugovaraju se s prodajnim osobljem prilikom zaključivanja kupnje i vrijede u skladu s uvjetima prodaje u V.B.Z. d.o.o.


S namjerom potpune transparentnosti za krajnjeg kupca, omogućli smo prikaz troškova dostave na stranici artikla, na stranici košarice te stranici narudžbe. Taj je prikaz točan jedino ukoliko kupac unese točne i precizne tražene podatke. U suprotonome je moguće odstupanje troškova dostave koje će biti prikazano u ponudi i poslano kupcu.


Besplatne poštarine

Besplatne poštarine vrijede za kupovinu gdje iznos prelazi 40 €.
Besplatne poštarine vrijede samo unutar granica Republike Hrvatske.

HR poštarine se obračunavaju po parametrima:

  • narudžba do 40 € = 4 € poštarine
  • narudžba iznad 40 € + … = 0,00 € poštarine



Dužnost nam je obavijestiti Vas da će Vam Hrvatske pošte naplatiti iznos prilikom uručenja pošiljke na kućnu adresu kao trošak dostave iako je sama poštarina već plaćena od strane V.B.Z.-a i ne ulazi u trošak Vaše narudžbe.
Ukoliko knjigu/e podignete u pošti na osnovi Obavijesti o prispjeću pošiljke isti iznos nećete morati platiti.


Narudžbe šaljemo u sve zemlje svijeta.


Hrvatska:  3 - 5 radnih dana.
Europa:  7 - 10 radnih dana.
Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Azija, Afrika:  15 - 20 radnih dana

No s obzirom da V.B.Z. online ne vrši uslugu dostave već istu za za nas pružaju vanjski suradnici, ne možemo utjecati na potencijalna kašnjenja u vremenu dostave. Ista se dešavaju vrlo rijetko te u posebnim prilikama (npr. Božić).

Dostava na otoke i u manja mjesta se odvija prema rasporedu dostavane službe (npr. 2 puta tjedno).


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Budite prvi koji će recenzirati “The Long Song”

Ova web-stranica koristi Akismet za zaštitu protiv spama. Saznajte kako se obrađuju podaci komentara.